Jun 23, 2014

Halfway There

I am nearing exactly 6 months since I made the commitment to lose weight and get fit.  I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting.  This new lifestyle change has been extremely tough but rewarding.

I remember the first week.  We had gone to visit my oldest son and were in the city all day long.  Going out to eat was inevitable.  I was stressed about the restaurant decision, the potential for overeating and just the “I can’t believe I decided to do this dang diet” attitude.  My negativity grew more and more until I went into the restroom…took one look at myself in the mirror and knew what I HAD to do.  FOCUS! 

FOCUS was my first strive in keeping with my commitment.  Until I could actually feel or see any results, I found myself easily frustrated.  I had to constantly motive myself by visualizing a stronger, thinner, healthier “me” in the very near future.

I have now lost a total of 38.4 lbs. The future is upon me.  Instead of focusing on the “Dang, I’m only halfway there”, I revel in all that I have accomplished and the BIG bonuses I am now benefitting from, results I am NOW seeing and feeling.

ü  Heartburn extinguished

ü  Sleep Apnea no more

ü  Super energized

ü  Tight size 18 to loose size 12

ü  Disappearing double chin J

ü  Confident

ü  Stronger (8lb weights during toning from 5lb)

ü  Running 5K’s

ü  Climbing mountains


Jun 3, 2014

My Anchor

In last week's Weight Watchers meeting, we discussed our "anchors".  Our anchor can be a physical item such as an outfit we are working towards fitting into, a feeling that spurs commitment or an inspirational saying. These anchors are chosen to help us through the weak moments on our weight loss journey.  They anchor us to our goal.

My anchor is the stairs I use everyday at work.  In the beginning, I could barely make it up one flight of stairs without stopping at the top to catch my breath, hoping no one noticed me gasping for air. 
I work on the second floor so no matter which direction, its either up or down these stairs.  Of course, there is an elevator but no one uses it.  Stepping into that elevator would be far more embarrassing than gasping for air at the top of the stairs. 
Within the first couple of weeks of my Leslie Sansone workouts and the Weight Watcher's plan, I could feel the transformation.  In just 30 minutes, 4 days a week, my thighs no longer burned when I reached the 2nd floor.  My breathing slowed. 
I realized I didn't have to wait until I've lost the full 82 pounds, or ran a marathon to start feeling like a new person.  In a short time, I was feeling it.  These stairs have kept me anchored to my goal.  Each time I climb them, I am committed to feeling energized for the rest of my life! 
I LOVE how I feel when I start at the bottom and climb all the way to the 3rd floor.  Might I add, I no longer walk up the stairs but run.  When I reach the top, I have that "Rocky" moment!!  : ) : )
I say "Bring It On!"