May 23, 2014

Rough and Tough Week

It’s been a really rough and tough week for me.  I craved everything sweet and salty.  I wanted a huge bag of chips, a whole pan of brownies or that ½ gallon of Moose Tracks ice cream. 

My husband assured me that a small taste would not hurt.  I found myself rationalizing the small tastes at first.  I wanted a sliver of that Snickernoodle or White Macadamia Nut cookie.  “I can work it off.  I will just exercise a few more minutes a day.”

My husband almost had me convinced…… OR……DID I almost have MYSELF convinced that the sliver of cookie would not matter or hurt my progress.  STOP!  Wait just one minute….my cravings were so fierce that I just knew I could not guarantee a sliver.  No amount of exercise could work off the potential sabotage waiting to happen.

Weight loss is PERSONAL!  We cannot hold anyone else accountable for our failures or achievements.  We are the only ones standing in our way!

It’s important to plan ahead, recognize our strengths and weaknesses.  Reward even your small triumphs and recommit when you slip.  Most importantly remind yourself often of how far you’ve come!

Lost: 33 pounds

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