May 23, 2014

Rough and Tough Week

It’s been a really rough and tough week for me.  I craved everything sweet and salty.  I wanted a huge bag of chips, a whole pan of brownies or that ½ gallon of Moose Tracks ice cream. 

My husband assured me that a small taste would not hurt.  I found myself rationalizing the small tastes at first.  I wanted a sliver of that Snickernoodle or White Macadamia Nut cookie.  “I can work it off.  I will just exercise a few more minutes a day.”

My husband almost had me convinced…… OR……DID I almost have MYSELF convinced that the sliver of cookie would not matter or hurt my progress.  STOP!  Wait just one minute….my cravings were so fierce that I just knew I could not guarantee a sliver.  No amount of exercise could work off the potential sabotage waiting to happen.

Weight loss is PERSONAL!  We cannot hold anyone else accountable for our failures or achievements.  We are the only ones standing in our way!

It’s important to plan ahead, recognize our strengths and weaknesses.  Reward even your small triumphs and recommit when you slip.  Most importantly remind yourself often of how far you’ve come!

Lost: 33 pounds

May 14, 2014

I'm Back in the Mountains

The weather has been so incredibly awesome these last few days.  I decided Leslie Sansone needed a break, and I needed some SUNSHINE!  I have lived in this valley for 22 years and haven't hiked one of its trails.

Many years ago, my husband and I took our little family hiking on every camp trip.  Our camp trips were MANY!!  My husband and I strapped baby carriers on our backs and hauled our two youngest ones up the trails.  Our two older boys led the way with their hiking sticks.  We loved the outdoors and hiking was our favorite!!

We were thin and very active!  The years came and went.  The pounds came and STAYED!  That was one of my motivating factors to losing weight.  I wanted to climb the mountains again! 

I have planned a very challenging and strenuous hike in July and have been working out diligently to conquer the mountain peak that shadows my hometown.  I am determined to stand atop the ridge, look down and feel empowered!

I knew working out to Leslie Sansone and walking/running a few miles was not going to prepare me for the uphill climb.  I had to start hiking NOW!

I did my first hike this evening with my brother.  I am now down 32 lbs and having accomplished a difficult 3.6 mile round trip hike tonight makes me want more......MORE CHALLENGE!!  I CAN DO IT!

It was tough, and I had to break twice to catch my breath but I was in the mountains, and I was DOING IT!!

May 13, 2014

Conquering the binge at the Family Reunion!

This last weekend, we had our annual family reunion with lots and lots of food.  I have to admit....I was a bit worried.  I had a good loss last Friday (2.2 lbs) so I didn't want to blow it.  I worked very hard for that accomplishment!! 

My strategy started with PLANNING!  I packed my grapes, carrots and grape tomatoes.  I filled my large water bottle (8 daily) and packed my 3 chocolate chip cookies I mentioned in my post  "When you feel discouraged". 

We always have a bake sale to generate revenue for the next reunion so I knew there would be a lot of snacking before and after the meal.  My grapes would help satisfy my urge to eat the cookies and cupcakes. 

I learned in Weight Watchers that if you are craving sugar, snacking on a fruit will usually curb the craving.  Highly doubt it? Try it!  It works!!  I love red grapes or fresh pineapple for sugar cravings because they are very sweet. 

Next, I brought my carrots and grape tomatoes to fill my tummy up a bit just before the meal.  I did not bring them to eat instead of the meal.  NO WAY!  I never withhold the foods I like because then my weight loss battle will not be successful.  I eat what I crave but in much smaller portions.  The carrots and grape tomatoes were brought to help with the smaller portions.  I would be less likely to binge on all the good food if I didn't go into it feeling ravished and starving.

Onto the dessert......BROWNIES!  Anyone who knows my mother and her brownies knows how irresistible they are.  She makes the BEST brownies EVER!!!  There in front of me were pan upon pan of my mom's famous brownies, chocolate frosted w/ MM's, plain, and a new specialty.....Oreo brownie!  

While everyone devoured the delicious brownies, I sat very content with my 3 chocolate chip cookies.  I ate them very slowly, paying close attention to the texture and taste.  I THOROUGHLY enjoyed them.....then went for a walk to avoid diving into the left over brownies.  When I came back, I was in check and knew I could safely skim a very small piece of my mom's famous brownies without losing control. 

My secret to conquering the binge at the family reunions is to PLAN AHEAD!!  Be PREPARED!  Have no surprises and most of all.....ENJOY!!!

May 5, 2014

When you feel discouraged....

Last week, I stuck to the meal plan and even added an extra day of exercise in.  I lost "0" lbs (exactly the same weight as the week before) on the scale when I attended my Weight Watcher meeting.  I felt good about my week, and how I was feeling.  Not true, I thought!  The scale was wrong. 

I decided to make the most of my "lack of progress" that week.  I reflected on my week, my meals, my exercise and determined I needed to step it up.  Work harder!  Eat healthier this week!

In my Weight Watcher meeting, I was advised to exercise longer, really watch my portions and to make sure what I was eating was healthy.  I may have stayed in my points range but possibly ate more sugar instead of more vegetables and fruits.

Well.....she was right.  I had Strawberry Shortcake several times that week.  I was doing the very same exercise programs but not challenging myself to go longer or harder either.  What may have seemed like a good week wasn't so good after all.  I needed to improve, step it up!

First and foremost, I decided no Strawberry Shortcake.  Each week, the Weight Watcher program gives you 49 extra points each week to use however you like.  On Fridays, after weigh-in, I will purchase a box of 12 large Chocolate Chunk cookies.  They add up to 48 points.  I will eat them throughout the weekend.  It satisfies my chocolate and sweet cravings and allows me to feel less deprived. Spending 5 points out of my 26 daily on Strawberry Shortcake was just adding to my sugar intake for the week.

For exercise, I decided to run most of my upcoming 5K instead of walking it.  I started training in March for my 5K but kept injuring my shins and calves so I went back to Leslie Sansone workouts.  A few days before the 5K, I went for a run to see how I could do on Saturday. FYI....I haven't ran since I was in high school.  This has been a major challenge for me!! 

I pulled out my phone and C25K app.  I ran 90 seconds and walked 2 minutes. I expected to tire and hurt my calves and shins again but I didn't!!!  I was so excited!  So....I started my Weight Watcher week out with an awesome 5K run on Saturday for Four Paws Rescue!!  It was my first 5K run EVER!!  The most I had ever run IN MY LIFE was a mile.   

Tinkerbell (Four Paws Rescue dog I adopted) and I did the 5K together.  I felt so empowered!  I did walk a few of the hills but I kept moving and felt fantastic.

I may not have had the weight loss I desired but I did conquer my 5K.  You can turn disappointment into an "empowering" experience by staying positive and stepping it up!  Will I have a loss this upcoming Friday?  I don't know but I do know I will have tried my hardest and already feel AMAZING!!