Jan 21, 2015


I don't know about you but I love MM's and over a year ago, I would have had them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  : )  

This new year is not for resolutions but reflections of how far I've come.....the before and after "me".
Hiding behind my grandkids in pictures to showing off my little cuties!
Couch Potato to running 5K's, climbing mountains and daily exercise!
                     June 23rd, 2014                    October 23rd, 2014                    January 21st, 2015

I'm pleased with my reflections of year 2014.  I took it one day at a time and never gave up no matter how difficult it was.  I'm looking forward to 2015, difficulties and triumphs.  I have the "know how" to make it a fantastic year, the tools to get through the speed bumps and determination to stay positive!